In high school sometimes it felt like all I did with my time was make mail art and send it to strangers around the world and I would get things too so now I have a few big boxes of beautiful things sent through the post. I sent things sometimes under my real name, sometimes under this name of Bosco Marx. Coming to Oberlin, I haven't really had the time to do it as much as I had once. Last night was a mail art exhibit here and it got me excited again. The first thing I walked in and saw was the Brain Cell Project which I didn't know much about but in 2006 had gotten a part of the project in the mail. This was exciting. The Recycled Products Coop (I think it was) had a space there with everyone's name and OCMR number on a card so you could anonymously send something to someone. I made three and liked them and decided to put them here before dropping them off. Then I went home and made one for a friend in Chicago that I miss greatly. (I don't think he reads this or knows it exists so I'm not afraid to put it up before I send it). The big one will be folded up and sewn together around the edges.I hope you like them!
(click to enlarge)
These are great! Also, glad you enjoyed the show.
The mail art creation space was an RPC/PCR (Recycled Products co-op & Plum Creek Review) initiative.
From New Orleans, LA, now attending Oberlin College. This is a place to put poems and things that I'm working on for one space for viewing.
If you want to contact me, go here:
These are great!
Also, glad you enjoyed the show.
The mail art creation space was an RPC/PCR (Recycled Products co-op & Plum Creek Review) initiative.
Keep posting your mail art!
thanks, anonymous!
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