Here are some feathers I have found and been given in the last year. I am sure what a couple of them are but I guess not so confident. For the life of me I could not figure out how to put text on the images so here is some information.
These two feathers are both pretty large. The first one (a) is about 7.5 inches while the other one (b) is just slightly bigger. (a) was found in Oberlin, OH and (b) what found in Pittsburgh, PA. I suspect (b) is some sea bird.

This next group is great. They will be named (c) through (g) from left to right. They are all much smaller than (a) and (b). All five were found in Oberlin, OH.
**UPDATE: (c) is from a Northern Flicker Woodpecker (there are 7 species of woodpecker in Ohio) and (f) is a confirmed blue jay feather. Hooray!
Here are their sizes:
(c) about two inches long
(d) two inches (I LOVE this one)
(e) almost three inches
(f) This one is my favorite. It is about four inches long. The other side does not have the pretty blue markings, only the black and white. I suspect this is from a blue jay.
(g) I think this one is from a cardinal. It is about 4 inches.
Please post any inklings of suspicions or pass this blog around to people who might know. Also, if you have a feather you loved once or haven't had the chance to love and want to get rid of it, send it my way. Just ask for my mailing address. In return I will send you something nice. We could trade things.
Here are some other things I collect:
-field guides and nature guides (especially those that are hand drawn or a strange sort of topic--- I have one only for eggs-- and those that are full page drawings too.)
-navigation guides and guides on what things I can eat (i.e. edible wild plants, mushrooms)
-particularly beautiful compasses (I only have one right now. It's always in my pocket.)
-stuff with birds on it
-old found egg shells
-abandoned nests from birds that won't return to them for the next mating season
-snake skins
-any other sort of beautiful and nice things (I have many buckeyes because I love them and old broken black walnuts, a mermaid's purse)
-dead bugs (i.e. intact bees, moths and butterflies, shells of scary big things)
Also, please let me know if you have any ideas of how to store or display these feathers!
Thanks for your help!
i have some things to send you to add to your collection ~ Love D
Hi, without a doubt, c is a guinea fowl.
hi marlo,
i agree...i think c is definitely a guinea fowl. northern flickers have really cool feathers, that most of the time have a red shaft running through em:
and i think a is a wild turkey feather.. or maybe a red shoulder hawk? and b looks like a gull
this is fun! post more up!
i also have many objects for you. should i send them way of post?
love r
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